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With PRECISA, Printers can now generate detailed quotes accurately and efficiently, thus maximizing their level of productivity. PRECISA manages quotes for Offset printing, Web printing, Silkscreen, digital, and all their associated units.

PRECISA enables you to implement your own solutions at your own pace, with greater ease of use and highly accurate planning.PRECISA effectively customizes to your equipment and processes and makes use of your specific standards. PRECISA is flexible enough to handle unlimited job specs in any estimate, with up to three quantity breaks and related additional quantities, multiple point for mark ups and discounts, and leeway for overrides so your estimator could compare options and costs to give your clients the best deal without loosing margins. Through its different inputs, PRECISA automatically delivers client specs after approval to the Job Description Ticket, and the related dispatch from delivery of proof, to multi-destination delivery and invoices. Then point by point, you are able to compare your estimated cost to the actual cost of the order, from which you will be able to improve your standards, adjust your operations, and bring your margins up.

PRECISA delivers through its RFQ Templates (Request for Quotation) fast and accurate price quoting over the phone, over the counter or even in the field. This in turn enables you to identify your most common used specs and gives you complete control over how you want to set your rates. Also, as part of the process of managing production costs, you can generate reports to check your clients' account size, ensure your orders in hand, verify quotations pending for approval, and confirm the amount of quotations done by a specific user. Some of the many benefits PRECISA has to offer are: cost reduction, time saving and sale increase. PRECISA will simply transform your business into continuous Efficiency, Manageability, and Profitability.

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